CYS In Schools

This week was life-changing. It made me look at the world differently.
— 9th grader

CYS In-Schools programs offer a variety of performance-based Shakespeare learning opportunities for students in grades K-12 during the school day.

Designed specifically for each school's curriculum and student learning goals, In-Schools programs can range in scope from Shakespeare performances and stand-alone workshops to multi-day immersions and long-term residency programs.

CYS workshops brought me closer together with my peers. ​I interacted with people I usually don’t talk to, and I have made new friendships that will last a lifetime!
— 5th grader

CYS teaching artists make Shakespeare come alive in the classroom by providing hands-on experiences that engage students actively and collaboratively in the learning process.

​Thank you CYS! I learned that I’m more versatile than I think. I learned that I should never apologize for what I love. I learned never to give up.
— ​7th grader

To date, CYS In-Schools programs have impacted over 3000 K-12 students and classroom teachers across the Chicago metropolitan area.

Rarely have we seen students so engaged! ​
— CPS teacher